The channel averages 300,000 viewers daily. CBBC was named Channel of the Year at the Children's BAFTA awards in November 20. CBBC is primarily aimed at viewers 6 to 12 years old a sister channel known as CBeebies serves a younger audience. Launching on 11 February 2002 as a spin-off from the BBC's children's strand of the same name, CBBC broadcasts for fourteen hours per-day from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. (downscaled to 16:9576i for the SDTV feed)ĬBBC on Choice (Originally children's strand on BBC Choice)ĬBBC (short for Children's BBC, and sometimes referred to as the CBBC Channel) is a British free-to-air children's television channel operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation. For the BBC children's programming strand, of which this channel forms a part, see CBBC.
This article is about the BBC digital channel.